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간단하지만 자신있는, 그리고 깔끔한 문장으로 만들려고 노력해보기 :)
건강 유지 및 건강을 위해 하는 것
[ 운동등 생활 습관에 대해 ]
I do a lot of things to stay healthy
I always wake up early, and working out every day,
such as walking, jogging and yoga.
[ 운동이 아닌 먹는 것 또한 언급 ]
These days, when i wanna do them, I usually go the the park.
and in addition. I always take a health supplements. like 멀티 바이라민, 오메가3, 칼슘
[ 결론 위의 2가지 덕분에 난 건강 ]
Thanks to that currently I am so healthy.
Yeah I think health is important in order to do anything.
So, I recommend you to try to work out for your health.
내가 알고있는 건강한 사람
딱히 생각이 안나고 스크립트 짤 시간이 없다면 ...
내가 좋아하는 배우와 엮어주면 나쁘지 않은 스크립트가 완성된다.
[ 중요 어휘 ]가장
- dazzling [ 대절링 ]
- heard = hear 과거형
- he seems very fit and healthy
Actually, I know a lot of great actors.
There are so many actors in the world. but Among them, My favorite actor is Leonardo Dicaprio.
[ 인상착의 ]
I think leo is the most handsome actor. yeah, he has beautiful eyes and a charming(dazzling -대절링) smile.
So, he is over 40 years old, but he looks so very younger.
[ 행동 방식 + 건강해보여 ]
Also, he is a very hard-working and energetic person.
I heard about He always gets up early and working out every day.
yeah So, he seems very fit and healthy.
So, I am a big fan of Leo.
건강 유지 방법 과거와 현재의 차이
[ 과거엔 운동 안하고 살찜 ]
In the past about 2 years ago.
I didn't exercise so much.
So, back then I was kinda overweight.
So To stay healthy, I started working out.
[ 내가 좋아하는 운동과 장소 ]
like do yoga, jog, take a walk.
Now, I do them almost every day at the park.
and I take health supplements in the morning, like multi-vitamins and calcium and so on.
[ 그 결과 10키로 감량 ]
You know thanks to that, I have lost a lot of weight about 10 kilos.
Yeah These days, I feel / like I'm healthier than in the past(before)
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